What is the Olive Pomace?
- It is the moisture solid residue obtained after extracting oil from olives.
- Processing 1,000 kilograms of olives typically generates 750 kilograms of olive pomace.
- Annual global pomace waste: 9 million tons
- Only using area is as fuel. Olive pomace as fuel releases CO2 gas.
- Provides much lower heat energy than coal:
- 1 kg of coal = 8 kWh
- 1 kg of de-oiled pomace* = 1.13 kWh
OMWW* = Oil Mill Waste Water

Side Effects of Olive Pomace?
- Environmental Impact: Can lead to water contamination.
- Soil Contamination: Can degrade soil and be toxic to plants.
- Water Pollution: Can contaminate water bodies, posing risks to aquatic life and water quality
- Air Pollution: Can cause unpleasant odors and air pollution.
- Biodiversity Threat: Can harm local flora and fauna, altering soil chemistry
Raw Material of Oleatex...
- Unique Waste Utilization
- Non-Food Value
- No Agricultural Usage
- No Additional Land Use
- Supporting Local Production